
"I am unable to link my GOQii tracker with the app. What are the basic troubleshooting steps for if I am a Samsung/ Motorola/ Redmi phone's user? "

Kindly follow the below steps to link your band with the GOQii App:

For Samsung, Motorola & other device:
Open Phone setting- Select Application manager/ Apps
Click on MORE option ( 3 vertical dots on top right corner)
Select system Apps
Select Bluetooth Share/ Bluetooth
Click on Storage and then Clear data ( This will unpair all devices from your Bluetooth)

For Mi 4 users Follow below steps:
Open Phone setting
Select Installed Apps
Select All
Select Bluetooth Share/ Bluetooth
Click on Clear data ( This will unpair all devices from your Bluetooth)

To Link your tracker with your account follow the below steps:
Check if your Phone motion sensor is linked with the GOQii app. If yes, please unlink it by clicking on the Phone icon which will be visible at the Top left hand corner in the GOQii home screen.

Now to link your GOQii tracker simply perform the below steps; (Ensure the GOQii tracker is fully charged, Internet and Bluetooth should be switched on, If you are an android user switch on the GPS location.)

NOTE: Make sure there is No other GOQii Band paired under your PHONE'S BLUETOOTH. If paired then " Forget that device ". Also see to it that there is no other GOQii band around you other than yours.

Tap on Tracker not Linked in the home screen -> It will take you to the Apps/ Devices Screen -> Select GOQii Tracker and then click on the green tick mark.
Now Click on Next on all the Tutorial screens till the point you get Search option.
Your app will now start to search for the nearest GOQii tracker, once it detects the GOQii core, you will get an option to 'Send Link Request'. Click on it -> On your tracker you will get a link request, tap on "+ or heart sign" of your tracker to link the band.
Here you go, your band will now get connected and synced with the app and the date and time will automatically updated as per your phone.

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    GOQii is scanned, it's not accepting Bluetooth.

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    My GOQii band is not connecting to the app

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    GOQII scanned it's not accepting Bluetooth, tried many times.

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    my band is not connecting to the app. unable to select thru bluetooth

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    ManojKumar Jha

    Number of steps are coming less in compare to Google Fit & Zebfit. In the same time all the three Apps giving different reading. Google Fit and Zebfit are almost similar but your App is very less.

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    Link error help me

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    Ritik Pal

    Link send me

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    Tracker touch is not working

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    Anas Khan

    Mana band connect nhi ho ra

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    Krishan GopalKaundal

    Link error occurred

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    Jaison Ouseph

    My friend bought a Goqii vital.3 from India through Amazon. I tried to activate it from Kuwait. Everyone the App says an OTP is sent. But never received. I am not able to link it with Mobile App.

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    I have tried all steps you had suggested. Mobile app is not linking with vital

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