1. On the Login Page, there are 2 tabs. Create Account and Login.
2. Create Account is for new user and Login is for existing players.
3. In Login, players just have to enter there email id and password they used to create an account in GOQii.
4. Incase you have forgotten your password, click on 'Forgot Password' button to reset your password
Not able to start
Each time I try to sign in, it says NO INTERNET CONNECTION.
I checked with good internet connection, restarted bluetooth multiple times, reinstalled app. Nothing seems to work
I connect the Bluetooth pair asking pin what are pin connect to Bluetooth
Trying to sign in with mobile number it says many user accounts
And does not allow to register with email
Says e-mail not register
Not create account
I m able to login to this app
What is the return process in your side
Simply useless. Any number of attempts to Set Up is not becoming possible. The various screens described in your guidelines are not opening. I am using OnePlus 5.